Sims 4 pregnancy mod teenager
Sims 4 pregnancy mod teenager

sims 4 pregnancy mod teenager

  • Shift-click the first Sim you want to turn into a teen, then click Spawn > More > Sim Modder.
  • Then, shift-click each Sim, click Set Age, and then click Adult.
  • If you’ve already made the Sims into teenagers, don't fret: press Ctrl+ ⇧ Shift+ C to open the cheat menu again, then type “ agesimscheat on” so you can modify their ages.
  • They won’t ever be "true" teens because they won’t need to go to school, but they can get jobs, "WooHoo", have babies, and even drink the Elixir of Life to stay young forever.

    sims 4 pregnancy mod teenager

  • To make it easier, just copy the code from this screen and paste it into the dialogue box by pressing Ctrl+ V.
  • Don’t include the quotation marks or forget any spaces, which will screw up the code.
  • Press Ctrl+ ⇧ Shift+ C on your keyboard to bring up the cheats dialogue box and enter “ boolProp Testingcheatsenabled true”.

  • Sims 4 pregnancy mod teenager